The Benefits of Morning Stretching

Let’s face it — few of us particularly enjoy the act of getting out of bed in the morning.  Whether you’re dealing with general fatigue or something more annoying, like aches and pains, there’s one thing that everyone can do to get their mornings off to a better start — stretching!

The Benefits of Morning Stretching


Benefits to a morning stretch

Your body goes through a variety of changes while you sleep, and stretching can help put your body back into active mode.  Here’s how.

Increased Alertness and Energy

Your brain stays busy even while you’re asleep.  When you wake up, your brain has to transition back into the kind of thinking you use during the day.  Running through a series of stretches increases blood flow to the brain, giving you an instant boost of energy and alertness — and without caffeine!

Increased Blood Flow to your Muscles

During the majority of your sleep, your blood pressure and body temperature drop, and your muscles relax.  Going through a series of stretches when you wake up helps get blood flowing to your muscles again, which wakes them up and prepares them for the day while also increasing joint flexibility and range of motion.

Three Stretches to Improve Your Morning

Instead of hitting the snooze button, use those few extra minutes to wake up your mind and body with these three stretches.

  1. Start off with a gentle spinal twist.  While laying on your back, bend your right knee and gently pull it over your left leg.  Stretch your right arm out from your side and look to your hand.  Hold for 30 seconds, and then switch sides.  This is a nice way to loosen up your lower back while giving your glutes and piriformis a good stretch.
  2. Next, stretch your neck.  Tilt your head to the side, keeping your ear off your shoulder, until you feel a gentle stretch.  Hold for 10 to 15 seconds and then switch sides.
  3. Lastly, do the classic “time to wake up” stretch: sit up straight and reach your arms high above your head, interlacing your fingers.  Bend a little from side to side.  You should feel the stretch in your arms and rib cage.

That’s it!  Now you’re ready to start your day both mentally alert and physically primed.

When Stretching Isn’t Enough

If you’re dealing with more severe aches and pains than a good morning stretch can do away with, it may be time to seek more advanced treatment.  At Bio-Dynamix Physical Therapy, we use evidence-based physical therapy for pain and post-surgical orthopedic and neurological conditions.

At our physical therapy clinic in Liberty, Mo., you’ll get the individual attention you deserve and need to get better.  Call 816-256-2887 to schedule an appointment, or have your doctor refer you by faxing your orders to 816-256-2154.  You can also visit us on Facebook or talk to us on twitter to learn more. We look forward to meeting you!